Management system
Policy and standards
We offer our customers unique and comprehensive solutions that are oriented towards sustainable and safe construction, energy efficiency and environmental responsibility. At the JUB Group, we are aware that the care for a healthy and safe working and life environment is one of the fundamental conditions for the development of the Group, as well as for increasing customer, employee and owners satisfaction and public reputation of the Group. We act in a socially responsible manner, adapt to the culture of the market and meet the requirements on the quality of the products in various markets.
We are committed to fulfilling the legal and all other requirements of interested parties recognised as important for our operations with the purpose of ensuring high quality of all functions of the company at the European level and we strive for continuous improvement of our operations.
We develop innovative, energy efficient and environment- and user-friendly products. In the future, we will remain focused on developing products, systems, and technologies with higher added value, while at the same time respecting the internal and international standards and good practices.
The policy of constant modernisation, automatization and humanisation of the production will continue to remain the company’s attribute. The investment policy is founded on deliberate decisions based on economic viability and it implements safe, eco-friendly and energy efficient procedures.
In achieving our goals, we are guided by integrated management system with acquired certificates for standards.
Participation in European projects and partnerships
JUB joined the Responsible Care programme as early as in in 1999 and by doing so it increased the care for health, safety and the environment, it additionally encouraged the employees for continuous improvement and improved the communication within and outside the chemical industry. We have been proving the latter for a number of years with the certificate and logo POR. JUB is also a partner in the campaign for Europe of Sustainable Energy. Europe of Sustainable Energy is an initiative of the European Union within the Intelligent Energy Europe Programme (2003-2006), which will help deliver goals of the energy policy of the European Union in the fields of renewable energy sources, clean transport, and alternative fuels. With the development project of the new Technology Research Centre in Dol pri Ljubljani which is in its foundation an important contribution to the development of energy- renewable and -saving systems, JUB in cooperation with the University of Ljubljana became a partner for Europe of Sustainable Energy 2005-2008.
Green Network

We are members of the Green Network of Slovenia, which unites companies, local communities, educational institutions, institutes, offices, and other legal subjects that are aware of the meaning of sustainable development and social responsibility.
Waste management
Crucial for waste management is the prevention of waste creation at the source and its reuse in the production. We have been collecting waste separately for a number of years and this enables us to deliver waste into processing or energy use which we prioritise over waste disposal. For the packaging which we put to the market of the Republic of Slovenia along with our products, a regulatory handling of packaging waste is guaranteed in accordance with the Decree on packaging and packaging waste (Official Gazette of the Rep. of Slovenia, No. 54/21 with all amendments). The obligation of the manufacturer’s extended liability for packaging waste is fulfilled with the company Slopak d.o.o.