JUBIZOL Microair fix
White water vapour permeable adhesive mortar
- Superior water vapour permeability
Product description
25 kg
Suitable for
for fixing of insulation boards and implementation of basecoat in façade systems with EPS insulation where excellent water vapour permeability is required.
- White adhesive mortar
- High water vapour permeability
- High strength
- Superior water vapour permeability
Advantages and benefits
- Aesthetically appealing appearance of the façade before the application of the finishing coat
- White colour prevents overheating of insulation boards
- Easier implementation of the reinforcement coat

Calculation of the required amount
The calculation takes into account the average consumption and may vary depending on the basis.
How to use

Clean the tools with water

Notched smoothing trowel

Spraying gun

Exterior use


Smoothing trowel