Suitable for
all interior wall surfaces which we want to protect against microorganisms.


1. step (Application of finishing paint)

2x JUPOL Antimicrob

System description
The JUPOL Antimicrobe system is suitable for all rooms in the interior where we want to protect ourselves against infections with viruses and bacteria. It destroys and prevents further development of microorganisms (envelope viruses - coronaviruses, bacteria, mould, algae, etc.). It reduces the concentration of viruses and bacteria by 99.9 % in 24 hours.
System composition

JUPOL Antimicrob**

Advantages and beneits for investitors
  • Due to the low emission of volatile organic components, it creates a favourable climate at home
  • It destroys and prevents further development of microorganisms by soaking their envelope in contact with a painted surface
  • It operates on the mechanism of disintegration (micellisation) of the microorganism's cell membrane
  • It reduces the concentration of microorganisms by 99.9% within 24 hours. This has been confirmed by the results of testing by an internationally recognised laboratory for microbiological analyses
  • Paint tested according to ISO EN 15457 and ISO 22196 standards
  • Washable paint