Suitable for
all rooms where there is a higher probability for algae and mould to develop due to moisture, such as e.g. kitchens, bathrooms, basements, warehouses, laundries, etc.


1. step (Surface preparation)

ALGICIDE Plus spray/ALGICIDE Plus concentrate

2. step (Surface preparation)

JUBOLIN P 25 fine 0-5/JUBOLIN P 50 extra fine 0-3

3. step (Application of finishing paint)

2x JUPOL Citro

System description
The JUPOL Mold stop system solves problems with wall mould and algae quickly and effectively. Suitable as a curative in the case of already existing mould.
System composition

ALGICIDE Plus spray/ALGICIDE Plus concentrate
JUBOLIN P 25 fine 0-5/JUBOLIN P 50 extra fine 0-3

Advantages and beneits for investitors
  • It solves problems with wall mould and algae quickly and effectively
  • Low emission of highly volatile organic compounds into the environment
  • Pleasant lemon scent
  • Superior vapour permeability