Suitable for
heavily exposed internal wall surfaces in kitchens, bathrooms, corridors and public institutions. Also very suitable for children's rooms.


1. step (Application of finishing paint)

*/**JUPOL Latex satin/JUPOL Latex semi matt/JUPOL Strong protect

System description
The JUPOL Strong system ensures a superior wall surface which is resistant to wet wiping and 10 times more resistant to mechanical damage. It enables easier cleaning of most stains; from coffee, wine, traces of greasy hands, shoes to others; also with the rough side of a kitchen sponge.
System composition

*/**JUPOL Latex satin/JUPOL Latex semi matt/JUPOL Strong protect

Advantages and beneits for investitors
  • 10 times more resistant surface to wet wiping and mechanical damage
  • It enables the cleaning of stains of coffee, wine, traces of greasy hands and shoes, children's creative "paintings" and stains left by domestic animals
  • Low emission of volatile organic compounds into the environment
  • The first paint on the market for which we offer a 5-year guarantee on the unchanged properties of the film (coverage, gloss, washability in accordance with the EN 13 300 standard)